This is Dee Mahuvawalla, Christian Science Practitioner, saying HELLO from my cyber-office, to everyone visiting my Blog, or requesting for prayerful help.
Christian Science Treatment is available to everyone requesting for prayerful help.
The only requisite for being the recepient of this prayerful and practical help is, one's radical reliance on God, and a receptivity to truth.
Christian Science is a way of life , based on primitive Christian healing. Mary Baker Eddy is its Discoverer and Founder. The teachings are simple, effective and demonstrable. They can be safely applied to all situations, and meet every human need, of young children, adults, and pets, with God-glorifying results.
More information on Christian Science can be found on
You can email me on
I reside in Perth, Western Australia, and can be reached on Tel. # (08) 9417 3650.